4 Signs You Need Premium Features

image of five light bulbs upside down and turned off with one turned on and flipped up

Even organizing geniuses can use a few more superpowers! With SignUpGenius premium plans, you can access even more tools to simplify event planning and communication with your group. Here are four signs you could benefit from our advanced features. 

1. You’re creating multiple sign ups for your events

 If you’re sending out more than one sign up for the same event, your participants will be receiving multiple emails in their inbox. It’s easy to mix up sign ups, delete the wrong sign up invite or lose the sign up link.

With Sign Up Tabbing, you can combine all or a particular group of sign ups into selectable tabs. This is helpful when you want to display multiple sign ups for events like fundraisers, parent teacher conferences and professional development opportunities. You can send one link that will lead to all the tabbed sign ups — making it easy for participants to review all your opportunities.

Genius Tip: It’s easy to share the link to a single index page that shows all your sign ups. You can send emails through our site, post on social media, or display the page directly on your web site. 

2. You want to remove advertising from your sign ups

You can create a sign up for free on SignUpGenius, and advertising helps generate the revenue needed to provide the basic version of our site. Ads are served by third parties, but we strive to display advertising in a way that minimizes distractions.

To give your sign ups a professional look, you can remove ads with all premium plans. This advanced tool is particularly helpful when planning events for an organization that would like sign ups to display without ads, or if you are concerned about ads being displayed on your sign up.

Genius Tip: Catch your group’s attention with exclusive sign up designs available to premium subscribers. You can also create your own sign up theme to match your group’s branding.

screenshot of custom theme area of the sign up builder with option to change colors and images

3. You are planning events as a team (or you’re pulling out your hair trying to do all the work)

Organizing is better in numbers! You can easily delegate sign up management with our multiple administrator feature. You can assign people custom levels of permission, depending on their roles. For instance, you can allow certain admins to create and manage sign ups on your account, while others might only have permission to view reports.

screenshot of multiple administrator permissions

4. You want to avoid unexpected changes to your sign up

Skip the hassle of last-minute sign up changes with our Start/Stop Date feature.

Using this tool, you can designate specific dates and times to open and close sign ups. The start date function allows you to prevent people from signing up too early. The stop date function will close the sign up at the time you select and will prevent further sign ups. This will keep people from signing up or deleting their sign up at the last minute.

Need to prevent sign ups changes to current slots but leave future slots open? With our Sign Up Locking feature, you lock specific slots a specified number of days in advance. This is perfect for sign ups with multiple dates that need to lock specific current slots while leaving future slots open.

screenshot of area where you can set start and stop dates on a sign up

You can take your organizing to the next level with our premium features and make participating in events easy for your group. We love seeing how you’re out there changing the world, geniuses!

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